Monday, July 30, 2012

Don't Miss Connected Educator Month

Connected Educator Month is a U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative, coming out of Director of the Office of Educational Technology. The emphasis is on the role of online communities and social learning networks--networks like Classroom 2.0 and Library 2.0 that are "helping hundreds of thousands of educators learn, reducing isolation and providing 'just in time' access to knowledge and opportunities for collaboration." The goal throughout this August is to expose the broader audience of educators and administrators to the benefits of peer professional development.

Learning events will take place all month. Visit Connected Educators for a complete schedule of sessions throughout the month of August.

In addition, a fabulous free Learning 2.0 online conference full of discussions, interaction, new ideas and much more will be held on August 20-24.  Gurus in the field of K-12 educational technology will present, participate on panels and help novices learn and those using technology in their classrooms to connect. 

Join the activities!

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